Is The FOMOstream® Legal To Use?
Yes, the FOMOstream® Android TV Box | HD, 3D, & 4K Streaming Media Player is perfectly legal to use in your home for streaming purposes.
I can assure you, we would not jeopardize our livelihoods and yours by promoting any illegal activity.
It’s important to note that the FOMOstream® box lets you access KODI which is an open source. Although some ‘independent enthusiasts’ may have, or may be downloading and hosting copyrighted material to servers that is indeed accessible through KODI on the FOMOstream® box, (just like most any other home computer will let you do), we at FOMOstream® have no control over who uploads content to the world wide web, and do not encourage streaming from those sources.
To be clear on what the laws are, as long as you do not ‘download copyrighted content’ without permission, and just stream instead, you are safe from any legal consequences, and or retribution.
Definition of Streaming:
The courts have regularly held that illegal downloading of copyrighted material is an infringing act that can subject both the downloader and the facilitator to civil penalties. Streaming content is not the same activity however as downloading content. Downloading saves a copy of a work locally and distributes that copy to other parties illegally. Streaming, on the other hand, is the ability to watch live and archived content as it plays. The activity does not reproduce the protected content as is the case when a file is reproduced and disseminated through downloading. A stream plays once and disappears from the watcher’s computer screen afterwards.
The FOMOstream® box can also download content from the internet if you desire to, but please be smart about it and don’t download copyrighted material because you could get you in trouble. Your internet provider will notice if you do and you will likely get a nasty letter from them threatening to cut your internet service.
Getting caught selling or distributing copyrighted material could land you some serious fines and or jail time and we, of course, love you and would not want to see that happen to you, so don’t do anything silly. There is no need to do anything like that.
Happy Streaming!
References & Resources:
U.S. Copyright Office: Promoting Investment and Protecting Commerce Online: The ART Act, the NET Act and Illegal Streaming
U.S. Dept. of Justice: Criminal Copyright Infringement – 17 U.S.C. Section 506 and 18 U.S.C. Section 2319
Copyhype: Commercial Felony Streaming Act FUD
RealSEO: UFC Sues UStream and Justin.TV Over Live Streaming Copyright Infringement
Citizen Media Law Project: Copyrightable Subject Matter
U.S. Copyright Office: Copyright Basics
U.S. Copyright Office: Frequently Asked Questions About Copyright
Ohio State University Fact Sheet: Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks
Copyright Alliance: How to Copyright Creative Works
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