FOMOstream® Brand History
FOMOstream® brand is brought to you by our beloved C.E.O. & Founder, Neil Sargisian, Ecom Economics, LLC, and Jedi Web Services; the same team that brought you ‘DigiXstream Shop‘. We were first launched in 2014 when DigiXstream, LLC. reached out and asked us to create DigiXstream Shop as the ‘OFFICIAL DigiXstream Sales, Help, and Support Hub’ to grow the brand and handle support because they didn’t want to deal with the public themselves.
The support we provide has never been for free to the public because DigiXstream, LLC. has never paid DigiXstream Shop to represent them or offer customer service in any way. For the past 3 years we have acted as independent contractors for their brand and we have built our business on our special setups, consistent updates, and stellar support.
Through our services, our DigiXstream Shop has unquestionably made DigiXstream the best and most trusted Android TV Box on the market for many years, until DigiXstream started making changes that our team felt was not only unethical but harmful to the brand name. If you or anyone you know purchased a DigiXstream from a fair or home show, you probably know exactly what we mean.
DigiXstream would sell in bulk at wholesale prices to anyone, regardless of how they represented the company. These resellers would often promise a year or even a lifetime of tech support, and then change their number every month. Because, for years the only public number for DigiXstream was to our DigiXstream Shop, our DigiXstream Shop would then get flooded with calls from customers expecting free support from our shop, and we had to carefully explain that they didn’t have support from us because they purchased from an unauthorized dealer. Even though our shop reported this to DigiXstream, LLC. on a daily basis, DigiXstream, LLC. turned a blind eye and continued to sell their product wholesale to the same unethical dealers.
In our first year of representing the brand our team helped DigiXstream grow considerably fast and we were told that they decided to move their office from CA to TX to save on taxes. After about another year they hired an in-house staff and then decided to mimic our DigiXstream Shop business structure after hiring a support team. This new team completely changed the brand in ways we are not so proud of. The more our team pulled away from growing the DigiXstream brand, the more it began to not reflect our core values, and developmental feedback anymore.
DigiXstream, LLC. began to overload their box, featuring add-ons that did not work but looked impressive during demos. They also started featuring HD backgrounds that look nice, but their boxes were not powerful enough to hold all this in the setup and therefore it now often crashes, taking the user back the home screen.
Then they began to market directly to our own customers by first making them enter an email to continue using the unit so that they can market directly to our customer base. As their values changed, their new company decisions did not reflect concern for the wellbeing of their dealers. Many authorized dealers quit representing DigiXstream. Our DigiXstream Shop found it harder and more painful to walk away because no one has done more for growing the DigiXstream name over the years than our DigiXstream Shop. We put a lot of love into that brand, but in the end, it was a painful reminder that it was not ours. Even though we still service the DigiXstream box, all of this is what motivated us to launch our very own FOMOstream® brand…
All the core values, great support, and warranty that our team brought to the DigiXstream brand over the years have all been carried over to the brand new FOMOstream® brand… which is a better box, built on functionality & support.
The FOMOstream® Android TV Box is a high end, top quality HD, 4K, & 3D Streaming Media Player designed to outperform any of its predecessors. Our boxes contain only the highest quality hardware and parts and have more upgrades and capabilities than any other Android TV Box on the market. Our customers also receive Free Firmware Updates and KODI Updates through our Add-ons Manager for the life of the unit! FOMOstream® is built well, and designed to last many years.
Comes w/ a 1 Year Limited Warranty, and also 1Yr of tech support when you order them fully setup and ready to plug and play from our shop!