Even if you don’t win, you can Get $25 OFF any brand new FOMOstream® Fs1 Series Android TV Box | HD, 3D, & 4K Streaming Media Player today… and we’ll Grandfather you in for future savings too!
What are you waiting for? Don’t Miss Out!!!
You’ll Save $25 OFF the Sale Price Today when you use Coupon Code: happynewyear2018
Set on purchasing the Fs1 quad core. Just need to decide if I should set up on my own(not technologically savvy) or go with the box already set up w/1 year service.
Hi Dave. We strongly recommend adding the $70 upgrade to fully set up your box and get it ready to plug and play when it arrives. This way you will also have the phone support. Phone support is the only way we can make sure you’re getting the most out of your purchase and not jumping to any wrong conclusions.
Ok, I’m not about to argue with the owner of the company. I am really impressed that you took time from your day to respond. Thank you for that.
Will you be running any special deals in the near future? I saw that I missed a really good deal on Black Friday. If only I knew at the time. -I only recently became aware of what android boxes are from a co-worker who loves theirs.
Hi Dave. This post mentions the only special deal we have right now.
We don’t have any other plans for deals to offer until you become a FOMOstream® Customer.
Once you become a FOMOstream® Android TV Box Customer, you’ll always get $50 off any new FOMOstream® Android TV Box whether it be for you, family, or friends!
I LOVE MY FOMOstream. I am the Least tech Savvy person I know, but set-up was a breeze for me. I put the wires where they fit, batteries in the remote, & immediately got Bragging Rights because my TV has what my Cable & FIRESTICK friends don’t have. Plus I have patient, courteous phone tech support when I call Neil. He reminds me of my car mechanic. I Only put gas in my car. Any light comes on or the rides not smooth, I call my mechanic. ANY hesitation due to my internet or my impatience to stop pushing buttons , or freeze because I don’t know what I did, I CALL NEIL. He laughingly talks to me like I’m his favorite Aunt, & gets me back on track to watch my many shows.
I will be gifting FOMOstream to family members. A GOOD THING, YOU MUST SHARE EITH OTHER’S.
Warning: Undefined array key "sfsi_plus_mastodonIcon_order" in /var/www/fomostream.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-plus/libs/controllers/sfsi_frontpopUp.php on line 172
Warning: Undefined array key "sfsi_plus_copylinkIcon_order" in /var/www/fomostream.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-plus/libs/controllers/sfsi_frontpopUp.php on line 173
Warning: Undefined array key "sfsi_plus_riaIcon_order" in /var/www/fomostream.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-plus/libs/controllers/sfsi_frontpopUp.php on line 174
Warning: Undefined array key "sfsi_plus_inhaIcon_order" in /var/www/fomostream.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-plus/libs/controllers/sfsi_frontpopUp.php on line 175
Warning: Undefined array key "sfsi_plus_inha_display" in /var/www/fomostream.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-plus/libs/controllers/sfsi_frontpopUp.php on line 253
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Warning: Undefined array key "sfsi_plus_copylinkIcon_order" in /var/www/fomostream.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-plus/libs/sfsi_widget.php on line 275
Warning: Undefined array key "sfsi_plus_mastodonIcon_order" in /var/www/fomostream.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-plus/libs/sfsi_widget.php on line 277
Warning: Undefined array key "sfsi_plus_riaIcon_order" in /var/www/fomostream.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-plus/libs/sfsi_widget.php on line 278
Warning: Undefined array key "sfsi_plus_inhaIcon_order" in /var/www/fomostream.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-plus/libs/sfsi_widget.php on line 279
Warning: Undefined array key "sfsi_plus_inha_display" in /var/www/fomostream.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-plus/libs/sfsi_widget.php on line 347
Set on purchasing the Fs1 quad core. Just need to decide if I should set up on my own(not technologically savvy) or go with the box already set up w/1 year service.
Hi Dave. We strongly recommend adding the $70 upgrade to fully set up your box and get it ready to plug and play when it arrives. This way you will also have the phone support. Phone support is the only way we can make sure you’re getting the most out of your purchase and not jumping to any wrong conclusions.
Ok, I’m not about to argue with the owner of the company. I am really impressed that you took time from your day to respond. Thank you for that.
Will you be running any special deals in the near future? I saw that I missed a really good deal on Black Friday. If only I knew at the time. -I only recently became aware of what android boxes are from a co-worker who loves theirs.
Hi Dave. This post mentions the only special deal we have right now.
We don’t have any other plans for deals to offer until you become a FOMOstream® Customer.
Once you become a FOMOstream® Android TV Box Customer, you’ll always get $50 off any new FOMOstream® Android TV Box whether it be for you, family, or friends!
I LOVE MY FOMOstream. I am the Least tech Savvy person I know, but set-up was a breeze for me. I put the wires where they fit, batteries in the remote, & immediately got Bragging Rights because my TV has what my Cable & FIRESTICK friends don’t have. Plus I have patient, courteous phone tech support when I call Neil. He reminds me of my car mechanic. I Only put gas in my car. Any light comes on or the rides not smooth, I call my mechanic. ANY hesitation due to my internet or my impatience to stop pushing buttons , or freeze because I don’t know what I did, I CALL NEIL. He laughingly talks to me like I’m his favorite Aunt, & gets me back on track to watch my many shows.
I will be gifting FOMOstream to family members. A GOOD THING, YOU MUST SHARE EITH OTHER’S.
Thank you, Patrice! You know I appreciate you!!! 🙂