The FOMOstream®, Fs1 Series, Fully Managed & Loaded
w/ Kodi 17.6, Krypton
Receive free updates from our development team for as long as you own your Fs1 Series. Keep in mind, our team will always update your box at the most appropriate time. We’ll never push out an update too soon because, with each new Kodi Version, it’s best to allow some time for 3rd party add-ons to catch up and make their Kodi add-on content compatible with all new version upgrades. This way our team can ensure, to the best of our ability, that your favorite & most popular add-ons will continue to work to the best of their abilities.
This is the product comparison chart for each FOMOstream®, Fs1 Series model; Fs1mini, Fs1, & Fs1plus. The YELLOW rows in this chart highlight the differences between each of our FOMOstream® models.
The chart doesn’t fit so well on the web page and is much better downloaded on PDF to see a good Fs1 Series product comparison…
Download Full PDF Chart: FOMOstream Fs1 Series Model Comparison Chart
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